Ongoing: Maintenance


Phase Summary

  • Site maintenance
  • App maintenance
  • Ongoing testing

Typical Outcomes

  • Maintenance form
  • Maintenance agreement

Maintenance varies for sites versus apps.

Site Maintenence

Site maintenance is usually less intensive and can be dealt with once the client compiles a list of things that require attention. Sometimes a maintenance agreement is implemented.

Lead the client to the QCat maintenance form. Once a maintenance request is received, we send the information to the team for estimating. After the estimate is approved, the work is scheduled with the team (designer or developer). Requests estimated under $500 will be invoiced once the work is completed. Requests estimated over $500 will require a deposit payment before the work begins, with final payment due upon completion.

App Maintenance

Because of constant updates and new releases that apps require, a solid maintenance plan is needed to maximize the efficiency of the releases. Otherwise, the team is roped into working with the client like an in-house team, which is fine if that’s the plan. But if it’s not, we can help the client find a replacement developer and be available for additional support when they need it.

Coordinate the details with the rest of the team and be sure to get it all in writing before the launch if possible. Follow up along the way as each respective phase is rolled out.

Ongoing Testing

We also offer ongoing testing options through QCat for sites that need browser testing or larger, more complex sites and apps that will be releasing new versions fairly regularly.